The 2021 European Rowing General Assembly was held virtually on 6 November 2021. Delegates from 25 Member Federations registered to attend virtually. Voting was facilitated by the well-known electronic voting service provider Lumi.
Annamarie Phelps of Great Britain was elected Chair to replace retiring Ryszard Stadniuk of Poland who has served in the position since 2008. Annamarie was first elected to the European Rowing Board in 2017 and served many years as Chairman of British Rowing. She is also vice-Chair of the British Olympic Association among other prominent positions.
The 2021 World Rowing Ordinary Congress was held virtually Saturday, 6 November 2021. Delegates from 62 member federations registered to attend virtually with 33 percent of the delegates female in a step forward towards gender equality in governance. Voting was facilitated by the well-known electronic voting service provider Lumi.
Jean-Christophe Rolland of France was re-elected for a third term as President. Tricia Smith of Canada was re-elected as Vice President also for a third term and Gerritjan Eggenkamp of the Netherlands was re-elected to a full term as Treasurer. These are four-year terms ending on 31 December 2025.
There were also elections for the three Council member positions on the Executive Committee. The current office holders – Patrick Rombaut of Belgium, Chair of the Umpiring Commission, Rosie Mayglothling of Great Britain, Chair of the Competitive Rowing Commission and Eva Szanto of Hungary, Chair of the Events Commission – were all re-elected to their positions. These are four-year terms ending 31 December 2025, or until their terms as Chairs of their Commissions expire or end. These six join the Chair of the Athletes Commission Frida Svensson of Sweden and the Executive Director (non-voting) on the Executive Committee.
World Rowing, the international governing body for the sport of rowing, is pleased to announce the appointment of Vincent Gaillard (SUI) as its new Executive Director effective January 2022, replacing Matt Smith. Smith announced last year that he wished to step down by the end of 2021 after more than 25 years in the role, prompting the launch of an international recruitment process which has now been completed.
Dear Belgium Rowing Federation ,
World Rowing is pleased to announce the launch of the new World Rowing Rule Book app, which is available for downloading on your mobile devices Android and iOS.
The app includes the World Rowing Statutes, Rules of Racing and related Bye-Laws and Appendices. Once downloaded, for free, it will enable you to access and consult the content everywhere at any time, also offline.
Due to its nature the content will be updated when there are changes to the Bye-Laws, Regulations & Appendices agreed by the Council and following the Quadrennial Congress (the Congress convened to agree alterations to the Statutes and Rules of Racing).
Please be aware that the texts in the World Rowing website version of the Rule Book have been used to create the World Rowing Rule Book App; in case of divergence the text as published on the World Rowing website prevails.
For environmental and economical reasons, the printed A6 version of the Rule Book will no longer be produced and distributed to our Member Federations, International Umpires and officials, but if a printed version is required there is a printable A4 version available on the website here.
We hope you like the app and that you will find it useful.
If you want to download it on App Store, click here.
If you want to download it on Play Store, click here.
Should you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact us at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
The World Rowing Team
This is a reminder of the World Rowing Safeguarding Webinars that are going to take place in the coming weeks.
Please check the information regarding each of the webinars below, and follow the links to register and attend:
Safeguarding Participants in Rowing from Harassment & Abuse - Education and Awareness Programme
World Rowing has created a short series of interactive webinars, which will be held on 15, 19 and 26 March 2021. The webinars are aimed at raising awareness of safeguarding matters across the entire rowing community, supporting our member federations in implementing safeguarding policies and procedures, and ensuring a safe environment for all participants in rowing. Three one-hour webinars are planned. Each webinar will run at 1pm and 7pm CET on the specified dates, in order to provide maximum opportunity for global participation across all rowing communities. They will be free and open to all. You will need to register to be able to access the webinar; please use the links below.
15 March, 1pm and 7pm CET
Webinar 1 – What is safeguarding in rowing and how should we deal with it?
Moderator: Mark Mungal
Panellists: Sandi Kirby; Annamarie Phelps
19 March, 1pm and 7pm CET
Webinar 2 – The Athlete & Coach perspective: creating a safe environment.
Moderator: Mark Mungal
Panellists: Lenka Dienstbach-Wech; Frida Svensson; Mehdi Garidi; Sandi Kirby
26 March, 1pm and 7pm CET
Webinar 3 – Member Federation leaders and officials: practical guidance on developing policy & procedures.
Moderator: Jeff Powell
Panellists: Annamarie Phelps; Chris Perry
Please check the Safeguarding webpage on the World Rowing website for further info including speaker bios https://worldrowing.com/responsibility/safeguarding/ .
Kind regards,
Paolo Mattana
Development Manager
World Rowing Event Decisions for 1 March 2021
- 2021 World Rowing Cup, Sabaudia, Italy 4 - 6 June 2021 is confirmed.
Following extensive discussions with all key stakeholders, the World Rowing Executive Committee has verified that the preparations of the Organising Committee (OC) of the 2021 World Rowing Cup III, Sabaudia conforms to the World Rowing requirements for 2021 regattas and has therefore confirmed that the regatta will take place from 4 - 6 June 2021.
As required by World Rowing’s event management guidance (Return to Regattas found here) which was successfully tested during 2020, the OC has developed a covid-19 protection plan for staging the event based on the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) & World Rowing. The plan has been carefully reviewed and approved by the Local Health Authorities. World Rowing and the OC are confident that the measures planned to be in place are appropriate to minimise the risk of transmission and infection at the event. The event covid-19 Response Plan is available online at www.sabaudiarowing.com.
Each Member Federation is responsible to exercise maximum care for its team members before, during and after the event. All participants must follow the measures in the OC covid-19 Protection Plan at all times, including the wearing of masks at all times except in the boat, on an ergometer or at meals, social distancing and regular disinfection, among the other measures published by the OC.
In addition to meeting any local government requirements, each participant at the regatta will be required to complete a Pre-Event Health Questionnaire and Member Federations are obliged to sign a consent form accepting responsibility for their team members. The forms will be sent out to Member Federations directly by the Sabaudia OC and must be completed and returned to the OC by email to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.. In addition, all participation conditions will be explained to participating athletes and officials in a webinar to be organised before travel to the event. To protect the health of all participants, anyone not adhering to the participation conditions will be immediately disqualified and excluded from the event, at the discretion of the World Rowing Executive Committee.
Following the announcement on 8 February 2021 that para-rowing events will not take place at World Rowing Cup III in Sabaudia due to the postponement of the Final Paralympic Qualification Regatta in Gavirate, an updated Provisional Programme for Sabaudia is available on the event page, here.
World Rowing and the Sabaudia OC continue to monitor the covid-19 situation in Italy and the latest recommendations from the WHO and local health authorities. Any further updates will be communicated to the Member Federations directly.
- Decision on the Asia and Oceania Olympic and Paralympic Qualification Regatta delayed
The Executive Committee and the Organising Committee in Tokyo have decided to delay the decision on this event until 8 March 2021. The current State of Emergency in Tokyo is scheduled to end on 7 March 2021 and an announcement on the next steps by the government authorities will be clear by then. World Rowing will announce the next steps on this decision on 8 March 2021 at 9 am CET.
- Rumours on status of World Rowing Championship events
The Executive Committee has been informed of rumours about a possible change in status from “World Champion” of the World Rowing Junior and World Rowing Under 23 Championships. The Executive Committee would like it to be clear to member federations, rowers and coaches that there is absolutely no intention to change the status of these World Championship events. These two events will be evaluated approximately three months before their staging dates (12 April and 10 May) and will be confirmed when all World Rowing requirements for 2021 regattas have been have been appropriately addressed.
- Member Federation Zoom Meeting
World Rowing will hold Video Conference Calls for Member Federations tomorrow, Tuesday 2 March 2021 at 09:00 hrs CET and 17:00 hrs CET to cover essential elements of these decisions and as an opportunity for representatives to ask any questions relating to these World Rowing events. Representatives of Member Federations and participants are welcome to join this Zoom MF Meeting on Tuesday 2 March 2021 at 09:00 hrs CET and 17:00 hrs CET at the following link:
- Once you click on the link you will be asked to input your name/surname and email address(please, type your 3 letter country (NOC) code followed by your name); then click on “Register”.
2. At this point,you will be shown the link to access the live session. You will also receive the link to the email address you have input. If you access this procedure when the live session has already started, you will be able to enter the session directly after inputting name/surname and email address
Matt Smith
Executive Director
Update of 17 March 2020 on the impact of the COVID-19 virus to rowing
Further to the recent updates from FISA, below is the latest update on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on World Rowing events and activity in the lead up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Today FISA participated in a conference call held by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) with all summer sport International Federations (IFs). The IOC and the IFs agreed on this communication updating on the status of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, including qualification systems. The full communication from the IOC can be found here: https://www.olympic.org/news/communique-from-the-international-olympic-committee-ioc-regarding-the-olympic-games-tokyo-2020.
In particular reference to qualification for the Olympic Games, FISA recognises the IOCs duty to take a coordinated approach in addressing the modifications to the qualification systems of all sports caused by event cancellations due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The importance of giving as much certainty to our athletes and the rowing community as soon as possible is a high priority. FISA has been in daily contact with the IOC and aims to finalise changes to the qualification system with the IOC as soon as possible ahead of the planned IOC deadline of early April. The next communication will be posted as soon as agreement is reached with the IOC Executive Board.
In regard to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, solutions are still being sought to possibly reschedule one or more of the Paralympic qualification opportunities which have been cancelled. It is FISA’s aim to confirm any possible decisions by Sunday 5 April 2020. The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is also taking a coordinated approach in revising qualification systems impacted by the pandemic. FISA is in close contact with the IPC regarding the qualification system and the athlete eligibility criteria, including classification, as outlined in the current 2020 Paralympic Games Rowing Qualification Guide. FISA aims to have an update on athlete eligibility criteria, including classification, on Sunday 5 April 2020.
All athletes, Member Federations and the rowing community in general should follow their respective National Health authorities’ recommendations and guidance in regard to rowing activity, training and events. Guidance from the FISA Sports Medicine Commission is available online, here: http://www.worldrowing.com/mm//Document/General/General/14/20/44/RecommendationsfromtheFISASportsMedicineCommissionCoronavirus270220F_Neutral.pdf
Matt Smith
Executive Director
Information prevention - Covid-19 virus
Cliquez sur le titre pour une texte déclarante de FISA!
Cliquez sur l'image à côté pour les feuilles d'aviron des 156 membres.
FISA Council and European Rowing Board Meet in Budapest
The World Rowing Federation, FISA Council had its three-day annual meeting last weekend, from 31 January to 2 February 2020 in Budapest, Hungary.
Hosted by the Hungarian Rowing Federation and the State Secretary for Sport, the European Rowing Board also had a one-day meeting. The key outcomes from the meetings were:
FISA’s Strategic Plan – The Council reviewed the current strategic plan (http://www.worldrowing.com/mm//Document/General/General/13/55/04/WorldRowingStrategicFramework2018_Neutral.pdf ) and approved the proposal to change goal five from being focused only on the environment, to also include sustainability which encompasses the environment along with economic and social sustainability. This revised plan will be published shortly.
2019 Key Performance Indicators – The KPIs for 2019 were presented by the management for discussion and review by the Council. This report can be found at this link: http://www.worldrowing.com/fisa/publications/
FISA’s Olympic Strategy – The Council reviewed the latest developments with the Olympic and Youth Olympic Games (see update on Dakar 2022 Youth Olympic Games below). Masakuni Hosobuchi, Co-opted member of the Council, made a report. Hosobuchi stated that the rowing regatta at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games is on track in terms of preparations. The International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) individual sport evaluation system, used since London 2012, was reviewed and the media team’s plans to work strategically were introduced. FISA will organise a means for National Rowing Federations to be informed and contribute to this effort for the sport.
For the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the IOC has recently issued a questionnaire to International Sports Federations seeking to add a new discipline or event to the Paris 2024 Olympic Programme. The Council re-confirmed their intention to propose to the October 2020 FISA Extraordinary Congress an Olympic Programme which includes three boat classes of coastal rowing. This questionnaire has a deadline of 28 February 2020 for submission but may be adapted following the Extraordinary Congress in October. Generally, for rowing, the preparations for Paris 2024 are proceeding well.
For the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games, the Council received the latest update on the possibility of moving the rowing venue to Long Beach, the 1932 Olympic rowing venue. After a recent site visit, it was determined that the only possibility at Long Beach would be a 1500 metre, seven-lane regatta course. Due to the bridge and other significant issues, it is not possible for a longer course. FISA is still studying a few more issues before a final decision will be taken.
2022 Youth Olympic Games (YOG), Dakar, Senegal – On 3 December 2019, the IOC confirmed that Coastal Rowing Beach Sprints will be an official event at these Games. The IOC approved an athlete quota of 120 rowers (60 men, 60 women) and five boat classes (men’s and women’s solo, men’s and women’s double sculls and mixed double sculls: CJM1x, CJW1x, CJM2x, CJW2x and CJMix2x). FISA is now preparing a draft qualification system for the event (in close cooperation with the IOC) and will be proposing qualification opportunities through a 2021 World Rowing Beach Sprint Championships and a series of continental Beach Sprint regattas in 2022.
Coastal Rowing – To help teams prepare for the Dakar 2022 YOG qualification, the Council has decided to add the same five junior category championship events to the 2020 World Rowing Beach Sprints Finals, scheduled for October 2020 in Oeiras, Portugal. Complete information will follow in the event bulletin which will be published soon.
FISA Continental Representative for Asia – During last year’s World Rowing Championships in Linz, Liu Aijie, Continental Representative for Asia, announced that he would step down due to his work responsibilities in China. After consultation with Member Federations and an internal selection process, a number of very qualified candidates were identified. Following interviews with the shortlisted candidates by the Executive Committee, the Council voted to appoint Fay Ho from Hong Kong, China to serve as FISA’s Asian Continental Representative. This appointment takes effect immediately, to complete the current two-year term ending in December 2020. Fay Ho will continue as Chair of the Para-rowing Commission through the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and an election for her successor will be held at the FISA Congress in October 2020.
Event Attribution – The 2019 European Rowing Extraordinary General Assembly empowered the European Rowing Board (ERB) to attribute the two remaining events needing hosts, following the Strategic Event Attribution Process of 2019. Three well-prepared bids were received for the 2024 European Rowing Championships; Linz-Ottensheim, AUT, Sabaudia, ITA and Trakai, LTU.
The ERB reviewed all aspects, including a comprehensive risk assessment, and awarded the event to Sabaudia. The same applied to the 2021 European Rowing Under 23 Championships. Three quality bids were received: Krefeld, GER, Kruszwica, POL and Sabaudia, ITA. The ERB awarded this event to Kruszwica, POL. Due to the awarding of the 2024 European Rowing Championships to Sabaudia, the first World Rowing Cup of 2024 remains open for bidding and any interested member federations may contact FISA to express interest.
2020 Provisional World and European Rowing Event Programmes – Following consultations with organising committees, television broadcasters, and member federations, the 2020 Provisional World Rowing Event Programmes, subject to entries, are confirmed for the following events:
1. World Rowing Cup I, Sabaudia, ITA
2. European Olympic and Paralympic Continental Qualification Regatta, Varese, ITA
3. World Rowing Cup II, Varese, ITA
4. Final Paralympic Qualification Regatta, Gavirate, ITA
5. Final Olympic Qualification Regatta, Lucerne, SUI
6. World Rowing Cup III, Lucerne, SUI
7. European Rowing Junior Championships, Belgrade, SRB
8. European Rowing Championships, Poznan, POL
9. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Regatta, Tokyo, JPN
10. World Rowing Senior, Under 23 and Junior Championships, Bled, SLO
11. Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games Regatta, Tokyo, JPN
12. European Rowing Under 23 Championships, Duisburg, GER
These regatta programmes can be found at this link: http://www.worldrowing.com/fisa/publications/fisa-circulars
2021 to 2024 Long Term Planning Calendar – Following consultations, the above-mentioned calendar was approved in terms of dates. This can also be found at this link: http://www.worldrowing.com/fisa/publications/
Preparation for the 2020 FISA Extraordinary Congress – The Council has now prepared draft “three-column” proposed changes to the FISA Statutes and Rules of Racing for consultation by the member federations. These are intended to be the main changes that will be proposed by the Council on 15 August 2020, two months before the Congress. These documents will soon be available in the Circular section of the website.
2020 Statute and Rules Bye-Law Changes – Due to the requirements of compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code, a new WADA Athlete Data Consent Form will have to be signed by all rowers at FISA Events starting in 2020. The new form is found at this link:
Finances – The Treasurer made a review of FISA’s financial situation and proposed budget changes for 2020. The Executive Committee had approved 2019 additional expenditures of an estimated CHF 621,000 against estimated additional income of CHF 951,000. For 2020, the Executive Committee has approved additional expenditures of CHF 870,000 with an expectation of approximately CHF 425,000 of additional income. The current estimation on long-term reserve is CHF 3,800,000 for the end of the 2017 to 2020 four-year cycle.
Safeguarding from Harassment & Abuse in Rowing - Education and Awareness Programme - Following the launch of the FISA Safeguarding policy in February 2019, FISA has introduced a number of initiatives to raise awareness of the policy and educate rowing communities on the subject of safeguarding. This includes the publication of a comprehensive web page with links to additional resources, the introduction of Event Safeguarding Officers at World Rowing events and an education programme.
In 2019, several education sessions were held for staff, coach educators, Commission members and member federations. This approach continues in 2020 and at the Council meeting in Budapest, a specifically designed session for Council members was held and facilitated by Anne Tiivas, Chair and Director of Safe Sport International. The session provided the opportunity to discuss the role of the Council with respect to safeguarding, to discuss a number of example scenarios and possible approaches/outcomes.
The session also highlighted the crucial role of the member federations in ensuring that at a national level there are policies, procedures and a designated responsible person, as well as local education and awareness programmes. FISA and the member federations must work together in cooperation to help ensure a safe environment for all involved in rowing.
Thoughts - The Council held a moment of silence in memory of the passing of Honorary Council member Borge Kaas-Andersen, who passed away in December 2019. The Council members also sent their best wishes to Olympian Pete Reed of Great Britain who is recovering from a spinal stroke and to Olympian Filippo Mondelli of Italy, World Champion in 2018 in the Men’s Quadruple Sculls, who, after complaining of pain in his leg, was diagnosed with stage four Osteosarcoma and is having ongoing chemotherapy treatment.
You can access the presentations and the video recording of the conference with a click on the title.
The World Rowing Federation, FISA, is pleased to announce the candidates presented by the member federations for the positions of FISA Treasurer and six seats on the FISA Council as Commission Chairs. The deadline for National Rowing Federations to nominate candidates was 17 June 2018 and the following individuals have been nominated:
- Competitive Rowing Commission – Rosie Mayglothling (GBR)
- Event Promotion Commission – Patricia Lambert (BEL)
- Events Commission – Matthew Draper (AUS, proposed by Canadian Rowing Federation), Kris Grudt (USA), Nick Hunter (AUS), Eva Szanto (HUN),
- Masters Commission – Ron Chen (USA)
- Para-rowing Commission – Fay Ho (HKG), Louise Kingsley (GBR)
- Umpiring Commission – Patrick Rombaut (BEL)
Regarding the election of a new FISA Treasurer to select a replacement for Mike Williams, who recently announced his intention to step down after 25 years as Treasurer, the Dutch Rowing Federation has nominated Gerritjan Eggenkamp who is currently a Co-opted Council member
An additional election will be held to replace Mike Tanner, retiring Chair of the Events Commission, as a member of the Executive Committee. Following the completion of the above-mentioned Commission Chair elections, the Council will present a candidate from among the Commission Chairs to complete the term of Mike Tanner on the Executive Committee which runs until 31 December 2021.
The elections will take place at the FISA Congress due to be held following the 2018 World Rowing Championships in Plovdiv, Bulgaria on 17 September 2018.
Cliquez sur les thèmes ou orateurs, ci-dessous, pendant le congrès FISA 2017 à Vancouver
FISA Issues / Grobler / TID / Sporer1 / Sporer2 / Lau / Bralic
cliquez sur le logo pour des nouvelles concernant les membres d'état major FISA 2017
La FISA, "Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aviron" en français , ou en anglais, "International Federation of Rowing Association", est l'organe dirigeant de l'Aviron Sportif. Elle dirige l'aviron sportif par la procuration que lui confèrent les Fédérations Nationales, les Comités Olympiques nationaux et le Comité Olympique International.
La FISA détermine les règlements et prescriptions pour l'exercice de l'aviron sportif, sous toutes ses formes ( voir www.worldrowing.com), elle organise et sanctionne les Championnats Du Monde de la discipline. Elle offre également avis et expertise pour l'organisation de compétitions d'Aviron, la formation des entraineurs et pour toutes autres domaines relatifs à l'aviron sportif et à son développement.
Clicquez sur le logo pour le FISA-rulebook, incl statuts, en français
Jean-Christophe Rolland a repris le flambeau comme nouveau président de la FISA, il a reçu symboliquement les clés des mains de Denis Oswald lors du dîner de Gala qui s'est tenu à Lucerne (Suisse) pendant la Coupe du Monde d'Aviron.
C’était l’occasion de rendre hommage à la présence de Denis Oswald à la tête de la FISA et du mouvement Olympique, ainsi que d’accueillir Jean-Christophe Rolland à cette présidence, en présence d'un grand nombre d'invités venus du monde sportif, Parmi eux, le président d'honneur du Comité International Olympique, Jacques Rogge, le président du Comité International Paralympique, Philip Craven, le vice -président du CIO, John Coates et le président de Sportaccord, Hein Verbruggen, Etaient également présents, de nombreux Présidents de Comités Olympiques de par le monde, ainsi que plusieurs membres du CIO et de hauts représentants du monde sportif.
Jean-Christophe Rolland a rendu hommage à la remarquable carrière de Denis Oswald et à sa contribution au développement de l'aviron, « Je dois dire que nous avons beaucoup de chance à la FISA » dit Rolland, « Lors de débats et de discussions, nous n'avons jamais été liés à des intérêts personnels, à des manipulations ou à de manœuvres financières, mais toujours au bien-être de l'aviron et des rameurs et rameuses, Lors des discussions, les intérêts des athlètes étaient toujours prioritaires.
Champion Olympique pour la France en 2000, Rolland fait partie depuis 21 ans de la FISA, En tant qu'athlète, il s'implique, dès 1994, dans la Commission des athlètes de la FISA, Il est élu à la présidence de cette Commission en 2002 et devient, de fait, membre du Conseil de la FISA, En 2004 Rolland est élu au Comité Exécutif.
Rolland est ingénieur civil et possède un master en Génie électrique, Il travaille depuis 1993 pour EDF, une des plus grandes entreprises fournisseurs d’électricité du monde, Récemment, Rolland conclut un accord de sponsoring entre EDF et le Comité d'Organisation des Jeux Olympiques de Londres en 2012, Depuis son déménagement à Lausanne (Suisse), Rolland a pu reprendre, sur base volontaire, la présidence de la FISA comme partie intégrale de sa fonction à EDF.
Depuis son élection à la présidence de la FISA en septembre 2013, lors du Congrès de la FISA, Rolland a pu travailler ces 9 derniers mois en étroite collaboration avec Denis Oswald et acquérir ainsi les connaissances nécessaires pour accomplir au mieux sa tâche présidentielle.